Bottles ready for cultured foods and beverages

Bottles ready for cultured foods and beverages
Ten Green Bottles!!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Coconut Treats

Coconut water, milk and oil are favourite ingredients for me to use. The health benefits are many and I'm quite attached to the flavour. I made some Coconut Treats yesterday - here's the recipe

  • 1 cup of coconut cream concentrate (available at Asian stores) don't refrigerate before use
  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup peanut/almond butter
  • 1 cup peanuts/almonds, chopped(preferably crispy nuts) *see below for instructions
  • 1 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/3 cup Rapadura sugar (optional) or
  • flavoured Stevia drops (available
  1. If you've refrigerated the coconut cream, you'll need to warm the coconut cream concentrate so that it can be stirred.
  2. In a mixer, combine coconut cream concentrate and coconut oil until well mixed. (Best handled in a food processor or mixer but can be hand done) If adding cacao powder, add now.
  3. Add nut butter. Blend well.
  4. Add sugar or stevia drops (approximately 15 drops). Blend well.
  5. On a baking sheet greased with coconut oil, sprinkle shredded coconut, nuts, and chocolate chips.
  6. Drizzle the coconut cream mixture over the chocolate and coconut, taking care to stir in the sugar so that it is well blended.
  7. When the coconut cream mixture forms a thin layer on top of the chocolate chips, nuts, and coconut, move the baking sheet to the freezer until mixture is frozen.
  8. After about 30 minutes in the freezer, remove the baking sheet and break the mixture into chips using a spatula. A thin layer of the coconut cream mixture will be very easy to break apart.
  9. Move the pieces into a freezer container for storage.
Serve the treats immediately from the freezer — the coconut oil will melt in your hands if kept too long. 
You only need one small piece to satisfy any cravings. They are very nutrient dense and satisfying........


Packaged creamed coconut available from most Asian stores

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